I am here to break that mold and let you all know it is ok to not have your shit together. My life is bananas right now. Straight up bananas. I have a hard enough time remembering to eat let alone have my hair and makeup done. Here is a lil glimpse into my real life......
My kid makes man sized turds. To the point that you see here. I am feeding him, minding my own business and with one solid grunt I am holding a handful of poo. As i tell my sister "Do something!" I was thinking more like grab the kid so I can wash my hand, she instead grabs her phone to take a picture.....classic
Currently my son has eyes for 6 ounces of milk but the stomach capacity for only 4 ounces. In turn that means mama wears the bottle shortly after feeding. Straight down the shirt soaked with curdled milk. It smells wonderful too might I add.
So there you have the first edition of real life Wednesday. Stay tuned next week for more madness.