Dirt Road Charm

Motherhood, Agriculture, and everything in between

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Who is Your Voice?

Who speaks up for the issues that your concerned with?  Who voices the opinions and thoughts that you have?

Your grandparents?
Your parents?
Your peers?

I recently attended a district legislative meeting put on by our county Farm Bureau that brought that exact question to mind. The meeting brought together our district legislators including my favorite Senator Hite to discuss issues currently happening in congress at the state and national level effecting farmers and producers.  We also had a chance to voice our concerns or certain issues that we wanted to be addressed.

This is great right?  A chance to speak directly to the people creating laws and regulations that will effect your farm and production!  Pretty much amazing if you ask me.  So that is why I was quite surprised that I was one of the few if not only person from my generation in attendance.  We the millennials that is. 

I step on a ton of farms throughout my days with work and see many of the younger generation coming back to the farm.  So why are they not getting involved in the political side?  Why do they not want to directly share their concerns with the people creating the legislature that will directly effect them?  Were they all just busy that day?  These are my questions.......

So here are thoughts to you my dear millennials.  We are the future of Agriculture.  Our grandparents, parents, and neighbors will not be around forever to voice the opinions and concerns of the industry for us.  It is time that we get involved and have our voice heard.  The people in the urban areas that are pointing their fingers at you do not have a problem voicing their opinions.  So if your legislators are not hearing from our industry how do you think laws and regulations will be made?  In your favor?  Highly unlikely!  It's time to get involved!

Williams County members with Senator Hite

 Good Day!


  1. Couldn't agree with you more! I've noticed the same thing at the legislative meet & greets I've attended as well. We need to make our voices heard, especially as young farmers & ranchers!

  2. Good Post. I'l add that it's a general problem with our generation - not just with ag! I saw this as I attended countless school board and council meetings with not one person under the age of 50 in attendance. Of course, "we" tend to just complain about our government issues on social media or sign virtual petitions and never DO anything about them. It's so frustrating.
