Dirt Road Charm

Motherhood, Agriculture, and everything in between

It all starts with a conversation.......
Farm to Plate with no guilt!
September Madness!
The life of a corn seed: Part 1

Friday, April 4, 2014

Country Fair Party + A Giveaway = Spring Excellence

50 degrees, wind blowing through your hair, the distant smell of fried food and elephant ears.......I Wish!!!  Since it isn't quite fair time the next best thing would be a Country Fair blog party right?!  Like weeks past we want YOU!!  If you blog and have your favorite recipe, or DIY project, or even just your favorite article about why you love Ag submit your post for others to enjoy as much as yourself! You may just be crowned the Champion! 

Here are the champions from last week!

I also mentioned a giveaway!!!!  So this talented blogger Sierra Shea wrote a poem So God Made A Farmer's Wife.  It is amazing and highlights the work, worries, joys, and life of a farm wife.  She has offered to allow us to give one away!!  All you have to do is sign up below to get entered to win this poem!!! 

So enter you blog posts and enter the giveaway and you are well on your way to ending this week a success!!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the "purple ribbon" from last week and for the opportunity to link up. Have a great weekend!
